Do life differently

Less fake smiles, more cheeky grins.

Being perpetually
burnt out is not OK

The unfortunate side-effect of this fast-paced life is that our anxiety and reactivity levels are through the roof, our systems are stressed and our relationships are suffering. 

Many of us feel like we have to continually numb and distract ourselves just to cope with the daily pressures of life. Stay busy, don’t feel what's really there and just do what needs to be done to keep pushing through. 

To survive

We live for the weekends and holidays so we can escape this little cage we have created for ourselves. 

Sooner or later, we realise that we have made ourselves so numb and so busy that it's really starting to come at a cost - we start to feel lonely, disconnected and stuck.

It’s an exhausting and disappointing way to live.

But instead of staying in this familiar place that feels so uncomfortable, what if we started to head in a different direction?

Towards a place that feels more intentional rather than just accepting the default life you didn't choose. 

A place where you felt more connected to yourself and in turn felt more connected to those around you. 

A place where fun, lightness and simple pleasures all start to reappear again. 

A place you are happy to call home. 

Hey, I’m Rick

I’m a holistic coach for overwhelmed strivers, anxious people-pleasers and everyday humans who just want more from life.  

I help people understand their repeating patterns, triggers and shadows so they learn to navigate life with a little less anxiety, a little less reactivity and a much bigger smile. 

To really come home to themselves. 

With that in mind, one thing that I have learnt about myself over the past few years is that it's OK to own what I want from this life. 

In my work, that means spending time with curious humans who are interested in getting to know and understand themselves better.

I DO like asking questions that make people think. 

I DO like seeing people join the dots and come to their own little realisations. 

I DO like watching people find their feet when the only person they are fixing and rescuing is themselves. 

But there are also some things I don't like when it comes to business. 

I DON’T like participating in the shit-show that is social media.

I DON”T like shame-based marketing that makes you feel crappy so you buy a product or service.

I DON’T like how much of our lives are focused around our bloody phones. 

So aside from packing up and moving into a cave (which is never completely off the table), I get to choose how I show up in this distracted world. 

Learn. Grow. Connect.

Four ways we can hang together…

Holistic Coaching

A three month dive into learning your repeating patterns, triggers and shadows (and how they hold you back).

Weekly Men's Circle

For men who want more connection, support, fun and accountability in their lives.

Humaning Podcast

Come check out my weekly podcast where we explore the imperfect art of being human.

Homecoming Email Crew

A weekly dose of wisdom to help find your way back home to yourself.

Start Here

Because I still value real connections with real humans, I focus my efforts into my weekly podcast called Humaning with Rick Watson. I fully believe that every person has a story so on the podcast we ask questions, share stories, float ideas and generally connect around what it is to be human. 

Have a listen and I look forward to connecting with you soon.