Holistic coaching

Helping you find a balanced body, clear mind and open heart.

“Holistic coaching isn't about setting and achieving goals; it's about understanding yourself deeply and making choices that truly align with who you are…”

This type of coaching is for you if…

  1. You’re ready to take responsibility for your role in how things are.

  2. You have blind spots and repeating patterns that leave you in a frustrating cycle of self-sabotage.

  3. You’ve read the books, listened to the podcasts and done the personal development but after the initial burst of excitement, you fall back into old ways.

Does some of this sound familiar?

Holistic coaching focuses on you getting to know yourself on a deeper level, then with this new awareness, you will see your life and how it functions through very different eyes.

It recognises that you don’t need fixing or rescuing but instead invites you to put yourself firmly back in the driver’s seat of your life.

I’m meeting the real me for the first time in a long time. I feel so alive and actually love myself instead of always being so critical...”

— Mel

What you will uncover through holistic coaching…

  • How your physical, mental and emotional worlds work together and influence each other. 

  • How parts of you benefit from self-sabotage and what to do about it. 

  • Where, how and why you hide your authentic self.

  • How to accept the parts of you that have been pushed away because of past fear and shame.

  • How to tap into your own wisdom and not rely on others to fix you. 

Then consequently you will have more of the good stuff like…

  • Healthy boundaries.  

  • Self-respect. 

  • Feeling more grounded.

  • Self-worth. 

  • Joy in the simple things. 

  • Respectful relationships.  

  • Deeper connection to self and others.

  • Peace.

  • Fun and play.   

  • Authenticity.

  • Being rad and getting more out of life.

"The most powerful guide you will ever meet is the one within you."

My experience of Rick’s coaching is like talking with a trusted friend. He is someone I can open up with ease and this is essential when I’m exploring my hidden parts.

— Greg

How does coaching together work?

Initial mind-mapping deep dive

Together we get the butcher’s paper out and join the dots on what themes and repeating patterns are present in your life.

Fortnightly coaching sessions

In these sessions, we explore the practical side of how these themes and patterns show up, how they have served you in the past and how to move forward.

Weekly experiments

Each week you will have practical experiments to play with in the real world to exercise your new mental and emotional muscles.

These four elements combine to create a unique program suited specifically to your life themes and how to work with them.

  • Sessions can be in person or on Zoom.

  • Minimum of 3-month term.

  • 25% discount on all other events.

Investment: $87.50 per week.

Regular support and check-ins

Now we’re working together, I am your official wingman to support you through the challenges as they arise.

The work we are doing is breaking down walls I’ve had up for so long. I’m living at last instead of hiding myself away for fear of being exposed ...”

— Kelly

Ready to get started?

Fill out the form including what you want to get from working together and I will be in touch in the next 24 hours to chat.